
ASPires. Expected Results


Expected Results

Development, experimental implementation and testing of ASPires integrated advanced platform for early forest fire detection and monitoring that integrates sensor networks, mobile, drone technologies and cloud computing for data collection at CMISs. 

ASPires Short Term Impact

  • Sharing and exchange of data for forest fires between the different levels of prevention, preparedness and rescue agencies, services and institutions through cloud and locally.
  • Integration of existing CMISs and appropriate data sharing. Reduction of the cost of real-time forest fire detection and monitoring in national parks.
  • Integration of fixed and mobile solutions including the use of the drone.
  • Experimenting the drone solution and field gateway to ensure network deployment.
  • Experimenting the delay-tolerant network solutions and gossip protocols for hop-by-hop spreading of urgent sensor data, fire alarms, instructions, etc.
  • Identification of main actors, systems and their possible level of integration to the ASPires platform.
  • Forest fire behaviour simulation, prediction algorithms testing, end-to-end testing, verification and validation of the platform.
  • Implementation of the developed solutions with the existing tower infrastructure.
  • Reduction of false alarms, increase of the detection time, integration of the data from preliminary analysis of the preparedness of the area. 
  • Increased possibilities of management in command various types of barriers, tourniquets, locks and locking mechanisms in the protected or surrounding areas.
ASPires Medium Term Impact
  • Possibilities for object tracking in the forest.
  • Implementation of safety standards for communication, access, sharing and dissemination of the data.
  • Improved coordination and cooperation of services and end-users included in the prevention, preparedness and rescue process.
  • Easy customization of the services depending on local law and legislation.
  • Data sharing to data centers and CMISs allowing secondary data analysis. 

ASPires Long Term Impact

  • Protection of people and properties from forest fires improved and negatives impacts of climate changes reduction.
  • Assessment of forest fires is improved. Manpower and technical equipment and management that answer to crisis situations are more appropriate and faster Functions of CM are improved.
  • Capacities for detection of forest fires and monitoring of forest areas of particular importance which are rich with endemic specimens of flora and fauna in real time are developed and damages caused by forest fires in forest areas of particular importance are significantly reduced.
  • Received serial data from measurements are in use for improving experiences in detection and monitoring of forest fires and opened for added values.
  • All products will be ready for integration at European level and with heterogeneous systems.
  • Data is collected in the cloud through regional centers or directly.
  • Data acquisition at existing CMISs is virtualized in the cloud.
  • Data virtualization allows further development and the implementation of different methodologies for initial stage warning, localization and organization of the fire fighting teams and tactics to suppress the disaster.
  • Cloud solution allows continuous definition of new services for crisis management intended for different end-users.