


Although a project is by definition limited in time, the aim is to make the results sustainable.

Technical sustainability:

We must have in mind, that the development, test and integration of advanced systems for prevention and early detection of forest fires is going to be integrated in existed CMIS models, that is in use in the Crisis Management System fYR of Macedonia (as test bed model). In order to have good level of problem proofing we are going to upgrade and expand existed CMIS and propose integration to Crisis Management Information Systems in other beneficiary countries. Our test bed CMIS is intended to demonstrate the usability of our concepts to many existing European Crisis Management Centers.

We stated that the fifth and sixth task of this project are going to come together at its end, as means to test the system’s performance and removing its technical inconsistencies and errors, with the final result being operative to support the work done by the Crisis Management System. But, a period of 6 months is a relatively short time to get feedback in details. Therefore, the life of the project will go beyond the project lifetime by further implementations and customizations at European level.

For us sustainability is not a static agenda. We know that the issues that might impact the developed, tested and integrated advanced systems for prevention and early detection of forest fires in existed CMIS, and our response to those issues, will all evolve over time. This is why we base our sustainability strategy on:

  • Soliciting expert feedback on the upgrade and expand existed MKFFIS through monthly reports by the primary users on its functionality
  • Encouraging debate over the emerging issues which present both risks and opportunities for our system
  • Providing and implementing solutions on the issues and drawing conclusions

Using the method of sharing good-practices and organizing annual workshops over the period of two years on the topic of: Operative use of the upgrade and expand existed Crisis Management Information Systems - lessons learned, new perspectives opened.

Financial Sustainability:

Institutions in beneficiary countries, responsible for Crisis Management as end-users expressed their interest to be a part of this project, and provide sustainability of the project. Hereby they have emphasized importance of development of advanced systems for prevention and early detection of forest fires and its integration in existed CMIS and they have also agreed to provide unlimited support in all phases of this project.