ASPires workshop in Berovo, Macedonia, November 2017
ASPires Workshop on November 8, 2017 in Berovo, Macedonia
The first of a total of five planned seminars was held on from November 8, 2017. Our first host was Macedonia. The workshop was held in Berovo, a small town near Maleshevo.
The preparation for the seminar was organized by the Military Academy "General Mihailo Apostolski". The seminar was intended for end users.
We spent three days with our end users and reported the current results of the ASPires project. During these days, we gathered different opinions and suggestions to improve the results of the project. Through various presentations we discussed the main goals of the ASPires project.
On the special page dedicated to the seminar in Berovo, Macedonia, you will find the main presentations dedicated to the
You can follow us on the website or in LinkedIn and in the follow-up, you can see all the materials from the workshop.
Yours ASPires Team
Link- ASPires workshop in Berovo, Macedonia, November 2017
ASPires Workshop on November 8, 2017 in Berovo, fYR of Macedonia
The first of a total five planned workshops was held on November 8, 2017. Our first host was Macedonia. The Workshop was place in Berovo, small town near Maleševo Mountains.