
About CHER21, 2018, Sozopol, Bulgaria

The International Conference "Challenges in Higher Education and Research in XXI Century" (CHER21) took place from May 29 to June 1, 2018 in the small Black Sea town of Sozopol.

The conference was organized by the Technical University in Sofia, Bulgaria and was opened by the vice-rector Prof.Dr. Kralov. This conference is unique in that scientists from different generations meet here to discuss projects and ideas in different areas of human knowledge. The other hallmark of this conference is the participation of young scientists from Bulgaria and other regions of the world.
The conference was attended by representatives from Bulgaria, Colombia, Morocco and Trinidad.
The ASPires Project was presented with a report "Conceptual Model of a Stationary Surveillance System for the early warning of Forest Fires - ASPires-GEO", presented by Associate Professor Dr. Radoslav Deliyski, lecturer at the English Language Faculty of Engineering of the Technical University. The report received particular attention during the plenary session. The presentation was recorded live in order to publicize the research. 
The report will be published in a specialized conference book.