ASPires in FFH Radio Germany

ASPires Project was presented on the 31th of January in the news of Osthessen. The main goals of the project were described. For more information click here .

ASPires Kick-OFF Meeting

On the 26th of January 2017 the Military Academy "General Mihailo Apostolski" in Skopie, Macedonia hosted a kick off meeting of ASPires Project  that included all the institutions and individuals taking part in European Commission. For more information click here


To achieve the expected results the project is divided into 7 different tasks. These tasks allow the achievement of the objectives and the expected results within the project time line and within the planned budget. The first task is dedicated to the project management,...

T04.ASPires.Strategies of dissemination

Strategies for dissemination Our dissemination strategy comes in play, allowing us to “spread the word” (both figuratively and literally) on the system, that one can easily change the way the crisis data, and the crisis situations are managed. The strategy relies on these...


Sustainability Although a project is by definition limited in time, the aim is to make the results sustainable. Technical sustainability: We must have in mind, that the development, test and integration of advanced systems for prevention and early detection of forest fires...

T01.Aspires.Primary beneficiary of the project and their role

Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Germany Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Germany is a Coordinator of the project and is creating communication protocols between the users that form the Crisis Management System responsible for development and testing of new algorithms for...


Partnership and project team   The partnership is formed between : Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Hesse, Germany as coordinator with support of the Military Academy “General Mihailo Apostolski” Skopje, InterConsult Bulgaria Ltd., Comicon Ltd., and National Cluster...