Task D. Protocol and interfaces. Summary


The task D. Protocols and interfaces has a goal to specify the communication protocols between the users of the Crisis Management System, creating the application that will allow the connection of all services to one interface and creating the cloud-infrastructure. Selecting what data is visible to what actors in the Crisis Management System according to the decision making process in the system with previous revision and making necessary changes in the roles (obligations and responsibilities), procedures and rules in decision making process in the Crisis Management System. 

Task D. Results


D.D.1. Proper standards communication protocol between end-users experimental development and implementation 

The report consists of standard protocols and interfaces as well as data flows in existing CMIS.

Deliverable date: 06.2018

D.D.2. Web application for sharing user interface which is consistent of several web services as a new module of existed CMIS

The report consists of end-user requirements to the CMIS system by means of services.

Deliverable date: 06.2018

D.D.3. Standard interfaces and protocols at sensor network and cloud level definition

The report consists of specification of the all standardized interfaces and protocols known and applicable in CMIS that could be part of the standard in the field.

Deliverable date: 08.2018