Members of the ASPires Technical Committee
The Technical committee is the advisory body which take technical proposals to manage the project. Participants will be representatives with technical knowledge and experience from the coordinator and all beneficiaries of the project.
Dr. Rossitza Goleva (Comicon, Bulgaria)
Rossitza Ivanova Goleva is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics New Bulgarian University in Sofia, Bulgaria, research assistant at Comicon Ltd., Bulgaria. R. Goleva is one of the main researchers at Communication Networks Lab and is dealing with design and implementation of hybrid environments, Quality of Service analysis, high performance cloud computing, modeling and simulation of communication systems, protocol development and design, traffic engineering analyses, traffic measurements. She holds PhD in Communication Networks and MSc in Computer Science from Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria. R. Goleva has participated in many EU funded and regional projects, including COST IC1303 Algorithms, Architectures and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments (AAPELE) (since 2013), COST IC0703 Traffic Monitoring and Analyses (2009-2013), R&D projects on wireless sensor networks, especially zigbee, funded by the National Investment Fund of Bulgaria (since 2010) etc. She has experience in teaching more than 15 different courses, had long and short scholarships in Denmark, Greece, Portugal, The Netherlands, Israel, and Germany. R. Goleva serves as a reviewer in European Commission research programmes, ACM Workshop on High Performance Mobile Opportunistic Systems, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Journal Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., ICT COST Action IC0906, Wireless Networking for Moving Objects COST action Book - WINEMO2014 and many others. She is serving in editorial board of Journal of Network Computing and Applications, Clausius Scientific Press, Canada. R Goleva is active in IEEE Bulgaria section since 1999 being a treasurer, secretary, chair and vice chair of IEEE Bulgaria section, active member of IEEE Communication Society leading currently the communication chapter. She has more than 100 research papers in various conferences and journals, two edited books.
Prof. Dr. Peter Peinl (TU Fulda, Germany)
Dr. Jugoslav Achkoski (Military Academy, FYROM)
Dr. Jugoslav Achkoski is an assistant professor at the Military Academy „General Mihailo Apostolski“ - Skopje, associate member of the University „Goce Delcev“, Stip.
He achieved his PhD on the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" – Skopje, in 2013.
Regarding skills, he has a lot of experience in research, teaching and managing. The research, which is done by Dr. Achkoski, is related to system development in emergency medicine and he has published several papers in scientific journals with impact factor related to his field of research. Next regarding research, he does research about improving detection and monitoring forest fires in the National Parks. Besides previously mentioned activities regarding research, he has published more than 50 (fifty) journal’s articles and conference papers. Notwithstanding, he is author on a more than 5 (five) Book’s Chapters.
Furthermore, he has been part of 3(three) Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM), which have been funded by European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) actions. Two of the mentioned STSM was part of COST action entitled European Network for the Joint Evaluation of Connected Health Technologies (ENJECT) and one is a part of COST action entitled Architectures, Algorithms and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments (AAPELE).
The managing aspect may be proven by that that he has been leading several international and national projects as a project manager. The international projects, which are run by Dr. Achkoski, are funded by the NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS), European Commission IPA II Programme - European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations and Kingdom of Norway.
Likewise, he runs the Laboratory for Intelligent Information System in Military Academy “General Mihailo Apostolski” – Skopje.
Ivelin Andreev (ICB, Bulgaria)
Mr. Ivelin Andreev is software architect and senior project manager in one of the leading and highly innovative Bulgarian IT brands - Interconsult Bulgaria Ltd. He is an external ICT expert in the European Commission, Eurostars-Eureka programme and Innovation Fund Denmark, Microsoft professional developer, Microsoft Azure MVP and Data Platform specialist. With 15+ years of strong experience in design and development of web systems, SOA, enterprise integration, machine learning, web security and data management, he is a practical man who always tries to balance between risk and flexibility. As a master in Bio- and Medical computer science, his interest in IoT could be tracked back to times when the term was freshly coined and yet unpopular.
Never scared of work he has turned the weighing of pros and cons into own marked style that urges to make conscious decisions.